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Local Development Corporation Inc.

Building Community, Growing Leaders

Our Mission

With community residents leading the way, the mission of CHLDC is to build a strong, equitable East New York, where youth and adults achieve educational and economic success, secure and preserve affordable housing, and develop leadership skills to transform their lives and community. We actively promote policies that advance racial equity.

We are excited to announce the merger of United Community Centers (UCC) and Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation (CHLDC), effective July 1, 2024. This merger unites our strengths, expands our services, and deepens our impact in East New York. Together, we are committed to building a stronger, more resilient community, providing comprehensive support and creating lasting positive change. Thank you for your continued support as we embark on this new chapter.


Our Mission

We provide a wide array of programs, services, and initiatives all aimed at helping youth and adults achieve education and economic success, secure healthy and affordable housing and develop leadership skills to transform their lives and community. Click the links below or the green boxes to learn more about each program area!

Our Programs

We provide vital career and education services to Cypress Hills' residents, helping them develop and reach their educational and employment goals!


We provide high school and college students college access and persistence services to ensure our youth reach and graduate college.


We provide support to organizers of all ages looking to advocate for the community. 


We offer services to help local homeowners and tenants access and maintain affordable housing, to further prevent displacement.

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We offer young people a range of educational and enrichment programs from after school to summer camps. We also host events and resource fairs for families to enjoy.


We strive to increase affordable housing in Cypress Hills, and make Cypress Hills a healthier and more energy efficient community.

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Our Community Center was built in 2022, and offers an array of programs, services, and resources for East New York to enjoy!

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Visit the Cypress Hills Farmstand

Fridays, July 5- Nov. 22 9am - 2pm

Located outside of the Cypress Hills-Fulton St. Senior Center #3208 Fulton St., on the corner of Fulton & Richmond Streets in Brooklyn, NY 11208

Cash, SNAP/EBT, P-EBT, credit and debit cards, FMNP (Senior & WIC) checks or Health Bucks accepted. SNAP/EBT users: Spend $2, receive a $2 Health Buck, up to $10 each week. Fridays, July 5-Nov. 22 9am - 2pm

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